lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Resuelto el misterio comentarista

Hará ya un tiempo hablé de que tenía una serie de partidas comentadas en mi ordenador que no sabía de quien eran. Hoy he llegado a la conclusión que quien las comenta es Alexandre Dinerchtein ya que me he encontrado este juego que os pongo a continuación de una partida entre él y Lee Chang-ho. Como veréis más adelante, en los comentarios del juego dice que es un juego que tuvo contra el coreano y eso me despertó por así decir encontrar quien era el misterioso comentarista de los juegos que tengo de pro. Y por lo visto no son baratos conseguirlos según parece poner en la página de su web.

He de admitir que la existencia de derechos de autor en este tipo de "documentos" me era esperable, más todavía si se tiene en cuenta la polémica que existe con los derechos de autor en los simples kifu (registros de partida).

La partida que me ha llevado a encontrar el autor de los comentarios es esta, de ahí me puse a buscar y encontré un documento en .txt que me confirmaba mis sospechas:

(; GM[1]FF[4]VW[]AP[Many Faces of Go:11.0] SZ[19] HA[0] ST[0] PB[Alexander Dinerchtein] PW[Lee Changho] DT[2006-08-26] KM[6.5] RE[W+R] SO[] AN[Lee Changho, Alexander Dinerchtein] EV[3rd Toyota&Denso World Go Oza] CP[Go4Go&Goama] BR[1p] WR[9p] RO[1];B[pd] C[This is the game I played as Black during the 3rd Toyota&Denso \ World Go Oza Championship in Tokyo. My opponent is Lee Changho, \ 9-dan (S.Korea) We reviewed the game together and you can see Lee Changho's opinions \ under "LC" mark.] ;W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[nq];W[qj];B[qk] C[One of my favorite openings. I have 100% winning record in Europe, \ by using it] (;W[pk] C[The only move -] ;B[ql];W[pj];B[qf];W[pl] (;B[pm] C[A new fashion -] (;W[qo] C[This move was invented by O Rissei, 9-dan in 2003 in his game \ against Lee Changho. I remembered that game and decided to get \ exactly the same result -] ;B[ro] C[An attachment at X is another option] MA[qn] ;W[po];B[rq];W[om];B[qm];W[no] (;B[cj] C[Lee Changho, 9-dan played the kakari at X -] MA[cf] ;W[cl];B[cf];W[ch];B[ef];W[fc] (;B[di] C[The most solid answer -] ;W[bd] C[The right answer. Kosumi at X is the old fashion] MA[ce] ;B[dh] C[Once again, Black is playing solidly. It is also possible to \ think about an invasion at X] MA[cn] ;W[fq] (;B[lq] C[Niken tobi at X is possible, but the adji would be quite bad \ -] MA[kq] ;W[jq] (;B[cp] C[LC: This is not the best way to invade -] ;W[co];B[dq];W[cq] (;B[ep] C[The correct answer -] ;W[bp] (;B[eq] C[LC: The order is wrong -] ;W[fp] C[The best answer. Black missed the chance to play the atari at \ X] MA[do] ;B[do] C[Too late!] ;W[eo];B[dn];W[cp] C[Now the position is hard for Black] ;B[iq] C[A tesuji] (;W[ip] C[The strongest answer -] ;B[fo];W[en];B[hp];W[gr] C[A good move] ;B[jp];W[io];B[jo];W[hq] ;B[ir];W[in];B[jn];W[im] (;B[kq] C[It is better to start from the atari at X -] MA[hr] ;W[rn];B[qn];W[so];B[rp];W[rk];B[rm];W[pn] C[A good combination, defending the weakness at X] MA[ol] ;B[jm] ;W[hr] C[A large move in double sente] ;B[jr];W[il] C[LC: White's corner is too big. White is leading] ;B[be] C[The largest place on the board] ;W[ce];B[bf];W[ic] (;B[kc] C[Black is behind on territory, so I am trying to play actively \ -] ;W[pc];B[qc] (;W[qb] C[He spoiled my plan -] ;B[oc];W[pb] (;B[qd] C[The correct answer -] ;W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rc] C[Locally, the result is better for Black, but now it's hard to \ use the wall] (;B[ol] C[Black cannot win the game by playing passively -] ;W[sm];B[sn];W[nm] C[LC: White has lot of local threats, so the ko fight is not easy \ for Black] ;B[cc];W[dc];B[bc];W[rn];B[rb] ;W[ra];B[sn];W[cd];B[ad];W[rn];B[em];W[fn];B[sn];W[cb] C[White may think about the ko threat at X] MA[ae] (;B[gc] C[I am trying to prepare large ko threats, but actually it's an \ overplay -] ;W[gb];B[hb];W[hc];B[nl];W[rn];B[gn] C[A damaging threat] ;W[fm];B[sn] ;W[ml];B[nk];W[rn];B[fl];W[gm];B[sn];W[lj] C[A good move] ;B[ni];W[rn];B[gd] ;W[fb];B[sn];W[mi] (;B[mj] C[Tennuki is not possible -] ;W[rn];B[sb];W[rl] C[LC: Enough for White] ;B[gl];W[hm];B[rd] C[Locally, the trade is about equal, but Black played some damaging \ ko threats before] ;W[nh] (;B[oh] C[The fatal mistake -] ;W[oi];B[oj];W[nj];B[kb];W[ib];B[ni];W[sa];B[qa] ;W[nj];B[dm] C[Another damaging threat] ;W[bk];B[ni];W[oq];B[pi];W[pq] C[The trade is clearly bad for Black. We can say, that the game \ is already over. This is the last note.] ;B[nr];W[or];B[li] ;W[ki];B[mh];W[bj];B[bb];W[db];B[bh];W[kh];B[kj];W[ij];B[lk] ;W[bi];B[ci];W[qh];B[ii];W[jj];B[ji];W[hi];B[ih];W[dk];B[el] ;W[ej];B[gj];W[hg];B[bm];W[cm];B[ck];W[dl];B[bn];W[cn];B[hh] ;W[gh];B[gi];W[ig];B[hj];W[jh];B[hi];W[gg];B[fi];W[kf];B[bl] ;W[ei];B[fh];W[eh];B[fg];W[dg];B[cg];W[dj];B[ch];W[df];B[gf] ;W[ie];B[he];W[if];B[hd];W[fe];B[id];W[jd]) (;B[li];W[mh];B[lk];W[kj];B[ll];W[bk];B[bj];W[el];B[ek] ;W[dl];B[bb] C[This is the gentle way, but Black is about 10-12 points behind] )) (;B[sl];W[nj];B[oj];W[mj] C[Black cannot save the cutting stones] )) (;B[sl];W[nk];B[ml];W[nl];B[fm];W[gn];B[bm];W[cm];B[bl] ;W[bn];B[ck] C[It is hard for Black to find anything better] )) (;B[sn];W[nl];B[cc];W[dc];B[bc];W[cb];B[rd];W[rb];B[bb] ;W[jc];B[em];W[fn];B[fm];W[gn];B[bm];W[cm];B[bl];W[bn];B[ck] C[This is the peaceful strategy. White is about 5 points ahead] )) (;B[rc];W[qd];B[ob];W[pe];B[od];W[qe];B[rb];W[pf] C[This result would be comfortable for White] )) (;W[oc];B[qb];W[mc];B[ke];W[ne];B[ng] C[I was waiting for the chance to start the double attack] )) (;B[oc];W[lc];B[cc];W[dc];B[bc] C[This is the peaceful way, but it's not enough for Black] )) (;B[hr];W[gq];B[jm] (;W[il];B[on];W[nn];B[ol];W[nm];B[nl];W[ml];B[nk] C[This is the most active strategy (suggested by Lee Changho, 9-dan)] ) (;W[jr];B[il];W[rn];B[qn];W[so];B[rp];W[rk];B[rm];W[pn] ;B[hm];W[hs];B[hn];W[is];B[ho];W[iq];B[em];W[fn];B[fm];W[go] C[Black's wall would be extra strong] ))) (;W[fo];B[jr] C[This was my plan] )) (;B[do] (;W[dr];B[cp];W[eq];B[dp];W[br];B[cn];W[bo];B[dn];W[bm] ;B[go] C[Lee Changho, 9-dan suggested to play the atari first, but I was \ afraid of this squeeze. I thought, the result is bad for Black, \ but he called it equal] ) (;W[cp];B[eq];W[gp];B[go] C[Black's shape would be flexible] ))) (;B[bp];W[bq];B[do];W[ep];B[bo];W[cn] C[Black cannot save the corner] )) (;B[cn] (;W[bp];B[en];W[bn];B[co];W[bo];B[cm];W[bm];B[dl] C[Lee Changho, 9-dan suggested to invade like this] ) (;W[dm];B[cq];W[cp];B[bp];W[bo];B[bq];W[co];B[er] C[The result would be favorable for Black] ) (;W[co];B[dn];W[dl];B[fn] C[It would be hard for White to fight near the strong group] TR[cj][di][dh][cf][ef] ))) (;B[kq];W[oq];B[or];W[nr] C[For example, White can use the cross cut] )) (;B[bd];W[di];B[cc];W[ic];B[dj];W[fi];B[ej];W[fg];B[el] ;W[cn];B[gk] C[This is another joseki, but I was trying to avoid the central \ fight, making the marked wall useful] TR[no][po][qo][om][pl][pk][pj][qj] )) (;B[cf];W[fd];B[cj];W[cn];B[jd] C[This was the real game (Lee Changho vs O Rissei, Fujitsu cup, \ 2003, 1-0)] )) (;W[om];B[qm];W[on];B[pp];W[dj] C[This is the standard development] )) (;B[qn];W[qm];B[rm];W[pm];B[cj] C[This is the old one. In my opinion, the result is not good enough \ for Black, because White is extra thick] )) (;W[pj];B[pk];W[oj];B[ok];W[nj];B[nk];W[mj];B[fq] C[Black's moyo would be too deep] ) (;W[rk];B[rl];W[ql];B[pk];W[rm];B[rj];W[sl];B[qi];W[qn] ;B[pj] C[The result would be bad for White] ))

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